Saturday, March 27, 2010

Upcoming dates and Awesomeness

Hey guys!

I hope all is well! God is God! God being good is enough for us all and should be enough for us all as we get in the flow of His flow and get in alignment with His will! I hope God is working mightily in your life and increasing His kingdom through the calling He has placed upon you! FIS is moving into a very awesome, busy season, and we have much expectancy for God to blow upon us like never before! As we position ourselves in total surrender before Him, He will show Himself strong on our/your behalf.

We are super excited about the upcoming first full length project from FIS. We all believe that this project is going to carry much power and intimacy to draw others closer and more in love with Jesus. That's the point right? I'd say to kind of sum the sound and purpose of our music up would be: a progressive sound carrying an intimate edge of loving Christ more. We see that when the sound is more progressive without losing the intimate/passionate edge for God's presence, it can really usher in a break-through moment for people who have only ever experienced religion and can really help people break into a "God-moment" in an instant. We know that His Presence is the answer to the need of this generation. His presence can define us, identify us, and empower us to be who He's already called us to be.

So in saying all that, we are very excited about God's direction in our hearts and music and family and personal ministries and local church ministries concerning this band of believers, brothers, and families. God has entrusted us all with the gospel of His Son,,,what will we do with it? I hope you keep your ears open for this new sound and come out to the events and support this ministry and the sound of heaven that is growing in the earth. We are throwing every politically correct agenda out the window. We are seeking a life-changing experience in the presence of God over this upcoming CD release and over every live event. You have my commitment to press in aggressively deeper than ever before to see the break through for the captive. Why don't you be apart? Make it a point to show up to the FIS events and be apart of the movement. Yes, i know its happening all around, but you can find it purposefully happening hear in Jesus name!!! Ok, I'm getting exited now!!!

So about the upcoming events....lots is happening!
April 2nd: Assembly of God Youth Convention in Lake Charles LA
April 10th: Life Choices Benefit Festival with (ALTERED - - awesome group out of Pineville, LA - - these guys really rock). Event will be held @ North Crossings in Monroe, LA. Check Fbook and site for all the official info.
April 17th: Chi Alpha Music Festival @ Railroad Park in Ruston
April 22nd: Just For Jesus Fieldtrip @ Monroe Civic Center (field trip attended by monroe city and ouachita parish schools)
April 19-29th: studio time with Daniel Kenner and FIS - - this is sure to be awesome

FYI: more info will be posted on the website/or/Facebook concerning these dates, times, location, and specifics.

We challenge you to come be apart of not a band growing in influence but in a band growing the influence of Christ in people hearts. This is not a band as much as a ministry. Come out and minister with us, release the sounds into the heavens, shift things in the heavenlies, release God into others,,,this is what happens @ any FIS event and we welcome you to join beside us and take your role in the kingdom of God. If you would like to extend a physical hand to help or if you would like to be used in a specific capacity,,,contact us and we can put you to work!!!

Bless you all! Looking forward to His return,,,until then,,buckle up!!!

Jeremy Lowe

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